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We Provide Solutions for Automotive, Aerospace, Medical devices, Energy, Buildings, Telecoms, Seals,Pipes​, and Industrial sectors.


Brunel Materials Ltd is in a process of developing novel new products and processes technologies by providing excellent technical support and solutions to the given challenging engineering problems. From the simple Proof of Conceptualisation (PoC) to studies all the way through to extensive programs defined by collaborative, or joint development agreements, BIMS can provide client support from product concept to  commercialisation.



Innovative solutions for materials


Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Fibres technology, Nano-materials, Sandwich panel composite structures

Engineering and materials processing technologies


Injection moulding, Extrusion technology, Blow film, Lamination, Hand layup, Roll milling, Screw designing, Reactive extrusion

New product development


Hypothetical concepts, Proof- of-concepts, Product life cycle evaluations, Market research IP competitive analysis, Product prototypes, Small batch scale evaluations leading from 50k, 100kg to 500kg batch scaling, master batch development, Business segmentation and Feasibility studies

Quality problem solving

Lean implementation SPS tools, Six sigma quality evaluations with continuous improvement in product and process technology with risk evaluation, cost reduction parameters and Zero Waste elimination policy.

Research and development operation practices


R & D Laboratory establishment (Lab designs, equipment selection and installation, ISO & EHS write ups with approved regulations), Prototype development & testing, Analysis and safety measurements. Identifying emerging technologies, and Scale up support.

Independent consultancy


We independently verify equipment performance claims by the manufacturer and advise clients on final  equipment selections. Based on one- to- one, Customer plant optimisation, Customers trials, Materials selection, Process development, independent testing report writing, Process improvement, Investigate production problem. 


Innovative Materials Solutions                                                            contact us:

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